
步骤01:切换至“现金日记账”工作表,在“开发工具”里,选择“Visual Basic编辑器”命令,如图10-25所示。

Excel 添加现金日记账程序-Excel22

图10-25 选择“Visual Basic”编辑器


Private Sub WorkSheet_change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iRow, iCol, iRow_dn As Integer
Dim rng1, rngl2, rng, cel As Range
iRow = Target.Row
iCol = Target.Column
iRow_dn = [A65536].End(x1Up).Row  'A列的最后一行
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
    If iRow > = 3 And iCol = 2 And Cells(iRow, iCol) <> ""  Then
        Cells (iRow, 1) = Date '在第一列填写日期
    ElseIf iRow > = 3 And iCol = 2 And Cells(iRow, iCol) = "" Then
        Range(Cells(iRow, 1), Cells(iRow, 5)).ClearContents
    ElseIf iRow >= 3 And (iCol = 3 Or iCol = 4) And iRow = iRow_dn Then
        Total1 = Application.WorkSheetFunction.Sum(Range("C4:C" & iRow))
        Total1 = Application.WorkSheetFunction.Sum(Range("D4:D" & iRow))
        Cells(iRow, 5) = Total1 - Total2 '在第5列运算
    ElseIf iRow >= 3 And (iCol = 3 Or iCol = 4) And iRow <> iRow_dn Then
        Set rng = Range("E" & iRow & " :E" & iRow_dn)
        For Each cel In rng
            Set rng1 = Range("C4:C" & cel.Row)
            Set rng2 = Range("D4:D" & cel.Row)
            Total1 = Application.WorkSheetFunction.Sum(rng1)
            Total2 = Application.WorkSheetFunction.Sum(rng2)
            cel.Value = Total1 - Total2
    Next cel
End If
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Excel 添加现金日记账程序-Excel22

图10-26 插入现金日记账代码


Private Sub WorkSheet_Active()
ActiveSheet.[B65536].end(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) .Select '打开现金后自动
End Sub