作者:董晓梅,李姗姗 单位:中国通信学会 出版:《中国通信》2012年第06期 页数:14页  (PDF与DOC格式可能不同) PDF编号:PDFZGTO2012060040 DOC编号:DOCZGTO2012060049 下载格式:PDF + Word/doc 文字可复制、可编辑
  • In order to avoid internal attacks during data aggregation in wireless sensor networks, a grid-based network architecture fit for monitoring is designed and the algorithms for network division, initialization and grid tree construction are presented. The characteristics of on-off attacks are first studied and monitoring mechanisms are then designed for sensor nodes. A Fast Detection and Slow Recovery (FDSR) algorithm is proposed to prevent on-off attacks by observing the behaviors.....。
