作者:Tom Griffiths 单位:中国电子信息产业发展院 出版:《世界电子元器件》2018年第04期 页数:8页  (PDF与DOC格式可能不同) PDF编号:PDFSDYQ2018040120 DOC编号:DOCSDYQ2018040129 下载格式:PDF + Word/doc 文字可复制、可编辑
  • With the recent application of nano-photonic interference filter technology,XYZ color sensing is moving out of the realm of laboratory instrument into more mainstream applications,including in-situ spectral sensing and lighting.In this article,we’re tackling some of the most common misconceptions about XYZ and its applications.Here are the top11:随着最近纳米光子干涉滤光片技术的应用,XYZ色彩传感正走出实验室仪器仪表领域,步入更主流的应用市场,包括现场光谱传感和照明。在本文中,我们将讨
