作者:李瑞 单位:杭州出版社 出版:《》 页数:1页  (PDF与DOC格式可能不同) PDF编号:PDFYUHK2013010280 DOC编号:DOCYUHK2013010289 下载格式:PDF + Word/doc 文字可复制、可编辑
《看生活》PDF+DOC 《CCD和CMOS图像传感器性能比较(英文)》PDF+DOC2007年第02期 黄美玲,张伯珩,边川平,李露瑶,达选福
  • A man drove through a school zone within the legal speed limit when the flash of a camera went off,taking a picture of his license plate.The man,thinking the radar was in error,drove by again;even more slowly.Another flash.He did it again for a third time,at an even slower speed.Same result.A few weeks later,when he received the violations(违规单)in the mail,he discovered three traffic tickets:each for not wearing a seat belt!
